Once the Group administrator turns on CEFR levels in the Account Options, users can navigate the browse area in the myON Library to filter books based on the assigned CEFR category.
To do this, select Library at the top of any page, then select Browse:
Once you are on the Browse page, choose the CEFR Level drop down list and select your preferred CEFR level. Please note that if this option is not showing, please reach out to your Group Administrator to turn this setting on:
Once a level is selected, users will see the number of books has filtered to only include those with the chosen CEFR level. Users can also use ATOS and Fiction/Non-Fiction restrictions. This allows educators and students to filter first by CEFR, then narrow to a relevant reading range, and/or fiction or nonfiction books.
If you wish to see all books again, simply select the Browse tab at the top of the page again, or select the CEFR Level drop-down list again and select the dash.
Other helpful information:
Turning CEFR levels on your site in the Account Options (Group Administrators)