In myON, you can create assignments to encourage and direct your students' reading and to help them develop related skills, such as writing, responding to questions orally, and using graphic organisers. Assignments can also include news articles and custom activities, and you can require students to record themselves reading one or more books.
How to Go to Assignments
TheĀ Assignments link is available to teachers, School Administrators, and Group Administrators at the top of each myON page.
Who Can Create Assignments?
Teachers, School Administrators, and Group Administrators can create assignments, but only Teachers and School Administrators can assign them to students.
Three Categories of Assignments (Active, Drafts, Archived)
On the left side of the Assignments page, you will see three categories: Active, Drafts, and Archived:
- Active: Active assignments are those that have been published. If an active assignment has been assigned to students, the students may be actively working on the assignment, or they may have recently completed it.
- Drafts: These are assignments that you have created, but not yet published. Students do not see these assignments. If you designated these assignments as shared, they will not be available to others until you publish the assignments.
- Archived: Assignments are archived 45 days after the due date (if available). Assignments are also archived when a new school year begins. When you view archived assignments, you can view student progress, preview the assignments, duplicate the assignments, or copy a link to share with other educators. Students do not see archived assignments. Group administrators do not have assignments in this status.
Select one of the categories to see the assignments in that category.
Viewing Assignments
As you view a list of assignments, use theĀ Sort by drop-down list to choose what to sort the list by:
Active assignments can be sorted by due date, date published, date modified, or title:
- Drafts can be sorted by date created, date modified, due date, or title.
- Archived assignments can be sorted by date archived, due date, shared status, or title.
After you choose a sorting option, use the icons to the right of the drop-down list to choose whether to sort by ascending or descending values.
If the list of assignments is long, you can search for a specific assignment by words in the title or instructions.
Shared Assignments
When you create assignments, you can tick Share with other educators if you want to share the assignments. In the Account Options, the Group Administrator decides whether shared assignments are available just within the group or to other myON users as well.
For Archived assignments, you can select the "Shared" toggle on the assignment cards in the list to share or unshare assignments; Group Administrators also see this toggle for their Active assignments as shown below.
Another way to share one of your assignments is to select the options icon for an assignment in the list of active or archived assignments and then select Copy Link in the popup menu. Then, in the message that opens, select Copy Link to copy the link to your clipboard so that you can easily paste it into a message or email to another educator. When you select Copy Link in the message, in the assignment information, "Share with other educators" will also be ticked.
On the left side of the Assignments page, under "Shared Assignments," you can choose to see assignments created by myON and assignments from other educators.
Once you select a category, you can search for an assignment by keyword, such as a subject or an assignment tag. In the results, you can see the books included, the types of activities included in the assignment, the year level, creator name, and tags. You will also see how many teachers have liked the assignment and how many times it has been duplicated.
Select Preview to see more about an assignment. You will see the activities and a list of the books included and the teacher's instructions. You will also see the recommended year levels and who shared the assignment. If you decide you would like to use the assignment, select Duplicate to open a copy of the assignment that you can save and/or assign.
If you find an assignment you like, select the thumbs up on the assignment card. Liking an assignment is helpful to other educators, who can see (and sort the list by) the assignments that have been liked the most.
Creating, Assigning, Editing, and Deleting Assignments
For more about what you can do with assignments, see these help articles:
- Creating assignments
- Assigning assignments to students
- Editing assignments
- Deleting assignments
- Limiting assignment access/visibility
- Copying shared assignments
Where Students See Assignments
Students see assignment on their opening myON page. For more information, see How to Complete Assignments (Students).