As a teacher, you can follow the steps below to create groups in myON and assign students to those groups. Groups are normally used for differentiation within your class. You can create groups around class assignments, student reading levels or any other filter that is relevant to you. Teachers can also remove groups at any time or place students in multiple groups.
- At the top of any myON page, select Classroom, then Students.
- On the left side of the page, click Add Group.
- In the window that opens, enter a name for the new group in the Name field. (The Description is optional.) Then, choose whether students will be allowed to join the group on their own using a group code. When you have finished, select Save.
- The group you created should now be listed on the left side of the page.
If you want to assign students to the group, select Assign; for more information, see How to assign students to groups (Teacher).
If you chose to allow students to join the group on their own, note the group code and give it to the students; students can enter the code in the Join Group field on the left side of their main page and click Join.