As a School Administrator, you can follow the steps below to remove students from your classes and from your groups.
If your group or school uses an automated rostering option to synchronise myON students and classes with your student information system, do not edit teacher class membership manually. Instead, contact your administrator if you have any changes. You can change group membership by following the steps below.
- At the top of any page, click My School, then Users.
- Use the Search Users field to search for the student you are looking for. Begin typing the first few characters of the student’s user name, first or last name or ID number. Click on the student’s name when it appears in the list.
Tip: Click the Filter by year or Filter by role options to narrow your list of users.
- Select Classes/Groups.
- To remove a student from a group or class, remove the tick next to the group or class name. Then, click Apply in the top right corner of the page.