As a teacher, you need to know how to create student accounts. Note: This option is not available to Teachers if the Group Administrator has turned off the ability for teachers to create users. see Account Options Under Group Administrator Control.
If your group uses an automated rostering option to synchronise myON students and classes with your student information system, do not follow these steps to create student accounts. Instead, contact your administrator if you have any changes.
If you log in to myON through the Renaissance software Home page, the "Create Student" option is not available in myON; please ask your software administrator to create students in the Renaissance software instead.
- On the dashboard, click Classroom, then Students.
- On the right-hand side of the screen, click + next to Create Student.
- In the popup window, enter the following required information:
- ID
Important: This must match the ID in your student information system if your myON students are synchronised with that system. If the IDs do not match, you may accidentally create duplicate students. SIS IDs must be at least 3 characters long.
If the ID or user name that you are trying to use is a duplicate, the student you are trying to add may already be on your site, and you may be able to simply assign the student to your class. If the student does not appear to be on your site, and you need help finding the user who is using the ID or user name, talk to your School or Group Administrator.
- Username
- Password
User names must be at least 3 characters long and must be unique on the site. Passwords are case-sensitive, so users must enter them exactly as you set them. User names are not case-sensitive. It may be helpful to check with your school or group administrator to see if they recommend specific conventions for user names or passwords.
If your school accesses myON through the Renaissance Home page, use your Renaissance user names and passwords to log in, not the ones specified here.
If you log in to myON at, be sure to use the user names and passwords specified here, not the ones used for other Renaissance software. Student passwords must meet these requirements: 2 characters minimum; can include uppercase, lowercase, number, special character. Special characters may include !"#$%&')(*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Year
- School (if necessary)
Tick the box(es) next to the group(s) that you want this student enrolled into. Click Save when you have finished.
- ID