Teachers follow the steps below to edit user information for students, including passwords and user names.
If your group or school uses an automated rostering option to synchronise myON students and classes with your student information system, do not follow these steps to edit user information. Instead, contact your administrator if you have any changes.
If you open myON from the Renaissance Home page, you cannot edit student information as described below. Your administrator can edit student information in your Renaissance software.
- At the top of any page, select Classroom, then Students.
- On the My Classes page, enter the name of the student whose user information you wish to modify. When the student is listed, click his or her name.
- You will see the student's information. Select Edit user.
- Change the information as needed. You can change the first, middle, or last name, year, username, password and/or ID. After making your changes, select Save.
If you log in to myON at myon.co.uk, be sure to use the user names and passwords specified here, not the ones used for other Renaissance software. Student passwords must meet these requirements: 2 characters minimum; can include uppercase, lowercase, number, special character. Special characters may include !"#$%&')(*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~.