If you are using Star assessments, students will see their Star scores after they log in to myON. Select See more to see all Star scores for the last two years along with the number of days with reading and the number of minutes you read.
Use the buttons in the top left corner of the graph to choose whether to see your Star scores or ATOS ZPDs from your Star tests. To pause the animations on the graph, select Pause Animations under the graph. Note: If you have only taken either Star Early Literacy tests or Star Reading tests, you will see those scores. If you have taken both Star Reading and Star Early Literacy tests, you will see the scores for the most recent test type you took. When you view Star scores, Star Early Literacy scores have empty circles ; Star Reading scores have solid orange circles
The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is a range of suggested levels from which you could select books to read. It is a range that is not too hard or too easy so that your reading skills can grow.
You may need to link your Star scores before you can see them in myON.