myON gives students the opportunity to engage in the frequent, high-quality reading practice that fuels literacy growth with 24/7 access to thousands of enhanced digital books and age-appropriate news articles.
Logging in
Log in to begin using myON. Depending on your license, you and your students may log in at, or you may access myON from the same Home page that you use to access other Renaissance software. For more information, see How to Log In to myON.
If you are a teacher, the first time you log in to myON, you will see an introduction to help you get started. Follow the prompts in the introduction to learn more about the program.
Users and Classes
There are two different ways to add your students, teachers and School Administrators and to set up your classes:
- You can use Enroll to import your students, teachers and classes from .csv files. If you have questions, contact myON support for assistance.
- You can manually add users and set up classes. Group Administrators can add your students, Teachers and School Administrators and can set up your classes. See How to Create a User (Group Administrator) and How to View Classes (Group Administrators). School Administrators can also add teachers and students in their school and can assign students to classes; see How to Create a User (School Administrators) and How to View Classes (School Administrator). Teachers can add students and assign students to their classes.
How Students Start Using myON
Students log in to myON or access it through their Renaissance software Home page (see How to Log In to myON for more information).
Demo Student
Teachers can explore myON as a demo student. On any page, select the Classroom menu at the top; then, select View Demo Student. For more information, see Using the Demo Student (Teachers).
Interest Inventory
The first time students use myON, they will be asked to complete the interest inventory to tell myON what type of books they are most interested in; this helps myON recommend books in conjunction with students' years, tested reading range, previous reading and book ratings.
Students up to year 6 see choices like the ones below. For each category on the page, they choose the face that shows how interested they are in that category. When they finish, students select Save at the top or bottom of the page.
For older students, the interest inventory looks like the example below. For each category on the page, students choose the circle that shows how interested they are in books in that category. The circle farthest to the left shows the least interest; the circle farthest to the right shows the most interest. When students finish, they select Save at the top or bottom of the page.
Students can change their interest inventory choices later.
Linking Star Scores
myON uses Star scores to determine students' reading range. For more information, see Linking Star Reading Scores to Student Records in myON.
Finding Books in the Library
Students select Library at the top of the myON window to start looking for books.
Teachers, School Administrators, and Group Administrators also have access to the Library options described below.
Recommended Books
Students select Recommended to see books that are recommended to them based on their year and their interest inventory. (Students' Star scores are also used if they are available.)
When teachers who do not have a year set selected Recommended, myON will ask them to select a year so that they can see which books would be recommended for students in that year. Teachers use the drop-down list to select a year; then, they select Save to continue. If teachers select Cancel, they will see overall book recommendations, not based on year.
First students see a few book ideas at the top of the page. The book shown will change after a few seconds, but students can also use the arrows to see the next or last book. The rotating banner may be turned off for students in the school settings or the group account settings.
Students will also see many categories of recommended books, including Books in their ZPD (reading range), top picks, books popular with students in their year and books about the topics they chose as interesting to them. Students choose the arrow in a row to see more books.
Top Picks includes books that are similar to the last 25 books the student has finished and rated in myON. Because You Read includes books that are similar to books the student finished and rated in the past 6 months. Books Popular in Your Year includes books that have been finished, rated and reviewed in the student's year.
For teachers, the books shown for a ZPD and the books shown for a year both have drop-down lists. You can select different ZPD ranges and years to see how recommendations change.
Students can select the drop-down list in the "Because I Like" category of recommended books to choose a different category. Students may also have a category that lets them choose to see recommended books in a specific language.
To see more information about a book, students select the book cover. To open the book and start reading it, students select the button. To record themselves reading the book, students select the button. To see information about the book, students select the button. To add the book to their favourites, students select the button. For some books, students may also be able to choose to take an Accelerated Reader Quiz by selecting the button.
How book options are different for teachers and administrators: As a teacher, the options available to you for books are different. For each book, you will see the reading level (the year based on the ATOS book level, a Read button, and Assign button, and a Favourite link; Assign adds the book to your Book Bag, where you can recommend it to students or add it to assignments.
To see the book information window described below, teachers and administrators select the book cover or the title.
If a student selects the button, a window with information about the book will open.
Next to each piece of information on the right, students can select to see more books like this one. For example, students could find more books from the same book series by selecting the icon next to the Book Series name.
To see more information about the book, students select the Details tab at the top. Students can see the author, the audio length, the ATOS book level, the AR quiz number, and the copyright date.
To see book reviews, students select the See Reviews tab.
Students Select Browse to choose books by category.
Students choose one of the categories to see books in that category. Then, they choose a subcategory.
Students will then see the books in that category. If students select the (filter) icon, they can also choose whether to see only fiction books, only non-fiction or only graphic novels. If your group administrator has turned on CEFR levels, students can also choose to see books for the CEFR levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, or C2.
In Browse, Favourites & Bundles and Search, students can choose whether to see the book covers (the default Grid view) or to see a list of books with a description of each book. In the list view, the read book, record, AR quiz, book information and Add to Favourites options are to the right; students can also open the book information window by selecting the book cover or title. Students can also see the book's ATOS book level, the recommended years and the length of the audio in hours:minutes:seconds.
For teachers and administrators, when you select Browse and choose a category, the subcategories are shown at the top of the page, making it easy to switch between all books in the category and a specific subcategory. You can use the ATOS Level drop-down list to specify books in a range of levels, or you can enter your own range. You can also choose to see fiction or non-fiction books, and a tick box lets you narrow results to graphic novels only. If your administrator has turned on CEFR levels, you will also have a CEFR Level drop-down list to specify books at level A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, or C2.
When students select Library, then Favourites, the Favourites include the books that the student added using the icon in a list of books or the button when viewing a book's information. It is a good place for students to save books that they are interested in reading.
Teachers can also use Favourites and Bundles to create lists of books that they would like to use with an assignment or share with students. For more information, see Favourites and Book Bundles.
Students select Search to look for books by title, author or other book information.
Students can also search using filters; to start, they select or (the button depends on the student's year). Filters allow students to find books that are fiction or non-fiction, books with certain book or reading levels, books for your year or types of stories. For more information, see Using Filters When Searching.
Reading Books
Once a student has chosen to read a book, the student has access to many options and tools.
If audio is available, the student can play the audio, pause it, adjust the volume, go back 10 seconds or start the audio at a specific spot. For details, see Audio Options. Teachers can control whether students have access to audio when they read books.
Students can also go to a specific page, zoom in or out or view the book full screen, and they can also add the book to their favourites. (Teachers and administrators also have a button to copy the book link for sharing with other users on their site.)
Students can also open book resources, use the dictionary, use tools to annotate the book, write journal entries or choose settings for audio speed, annotations, highlighting and where the buttons appear.
For more information about the options and tools available to students while reading, see Book Reader and Literacy Tools.
When a student has read all of the pages and has met the criteria for the time required to read the book, the student can select I have finished this book.
The student can then rate the book and write a review. On the same page, if an Accelerated Reader quiz is available, the student can select Take AR Quiz (see Accelerated Reader Quizzes in myON).
How Students See Their Progress
A dashboard shows students goals and how many minutes they have read this week and month, how many books they have finished, and how many pages they have read. Younger students see a Reader Meter like the first example below. Older students see gauges like the second example below. For more information, see Student Dashboard and Targets.
Teachers or students can also generate the student profile report.
myON News
If your school has myON News powered by News-O-Matic, it provides students with age-appropriate news articles. Students learn about the world around them as they develop stronger digital and media literacy skills. Each day students see a new edition of myON news with a new set of articles. For more information, see Getting Started with myON News, Powered by News-O-Matic.
Getting Information About Your Students' Reading
Teachers can view information about students' reading on the Teacher Dashboard. You can see how many books students have finished, how many pages they have read, how much time they have spent reading, which assignments have been assigned to students and the recordings students have made of their own reading.
To see which books an individual student has read, select the student's name, then make sure Books read is selected on the student page.
Another place to get more information is in the reports. Depending on your role, you can select My Group, My School or Classroom, then Reports. myON Reports give you access to information on your students' reading in myON and progress. They can also help you see which books and categories are most popular with your students. You can set goals on reports and compare them to your students' actual performance. For more information, see What Type of Data Is Shown on Each Report?.